The highly anticipated Sonic the Hedgehog 3, directed by Jeff Fowler and distributed by Paramount Pictures, is making waves with its latest trailer. The film, set to premiere on December 20, dives into the world of Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic’s dark and enigmatic rival, who will be voiced by Keanu Reeves. The highlight for many fans? Shadow wielding a gun, a direct nod to one of the most divisive and intriguing eras of the Sonic franchise.
This bold choice harkens back to 2005, when Sega released Shadow the Hedgehog, a spinoff game that explored a darker, more mature tone for the series. The game featured third-person shooting mechanics and prominently displayed Shadow holding a scoped gun on its cover. It even flirted with an M-rating, as revealed by voice actor Jason Griffith, who recorded alternate lines filled with profanity for the titular character. While these lines never made it to the final version, the game became a cult classic, sparking debates among fans about its tonal shift.
In recent years, Sega has toned down Shadow’s darker persona, with games like Sonic x Shadow Generations eliminating the use of guns entirely. According to Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic Team, Shadow “is a weapon” himself and doesn’t need a firearm. Nevertheless, the reference in the new trailer to Shadow’s edgier days has ignited excitement and nostalgia among fans.
The trailer also shows Sonic exploring a Chao-themed attraction and teases an epic showdown between Sonic and Shadow. While Shadow’s gun likely won’t dominate the narrative, its inclusion signals the movie’s willingness to embrace the complexity of its characters and their history.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 promises to deliver action, humor, and a dose of nostalgia, continuing the successful formula that made the first two films a hit. Fans can expect an exciting adventure when the movie hits theaters on December 20 this year.
Watch the Sonic 3 trailer—action, speed, and Shadow’s bold return await!