Cabrini: The Story of the Patron Saint of Immigrants Hits Theaters


Cabrini: The Story of the Patron Saint of Immigrants Hits Theaters

Cabrini: The Story of the Patron Saint of Immigrants Hits Theaters

A Journey of Faith and Hope: “Cabrini” Hits U.S. Theaters!
Experience the inspiring story of Francesca Cabrini, the Patron Saint of Immigrants, in “Cabrini”, the latest film from the creators of “Sound of Freedom.” The movie premiered in the U.S. on March 8, 2024, and is set to debut in Brazil on December 12, 2024, distributed by Paris Filmes and 360 Way Up.

The Story of Cabrini:
Set in 19th-century New York, the film follows Cabrini (Cristiana Dell’Anna), an Italian immigrant battling social inequalities. Determined to provide housing and healthcare for orphaned children, she overcomes enormous challenges to build a legacy of compassion, establishing hospitals, orphanages, and schools.

Why Watch?

  • A monumental production with a $35 million budget.
  • Cabrini’s divine calling and extraordinary resolve made her the first American citizen canonized as a saint.
  • An inspiring tale of resilience, faith, and humanity.

Don’t miss this powerful story of a woman whose mission of hope changed countless lives!

Watch the Cabrini trailer full of inspiration, emotion, and powerful moments!

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